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Run Analysis

''After years of running, with various degrees of success...I decided it was time to get some help...I should have done it sooner! The video analysis session was just brilliant...informative and eye opening. We spent sometime going over my current technique (or lack of) and then got to work on trying to get me moving with more efficiency. In just a short 90 min session the difference was staggering'' Toby

TAKE 3 firmly believe in running being a skill, and one that needs to be worked on with dedication and direction for it to become the norm. A session using video analysis and instant playback gives the runner iInvaluable feedback and allows instant correction and long term improvement. With a little dedication and guidance, it is possible to develop your running to another level, by working on it as a SKILL, applying some basic drills and logic to the movement, we can help you run faster than you ever thought possible.


We also believe strongly in a full body appraisal when it comes to run form. Lots of companies out there offer 'gait' analysis, but that tells only part of the story. Very often the problems experienced lower down the body are a result of issues further up.


A typical run session will last around 2 hrs, broken up into 3 segments of image capture, analysis/feedback and change. Using the latest image capture software, it is possible to run dual camera images side by side, as well as overlay before and after recordings, all very powerful and helpful tools when assessing running form.


After an intital run on the treadmill, we will sit down with the athlete and go over our initial footage, explaining clearly and concisely the key findings. It may be run form issues, such as poor arm carry or identifying a weak side to your body, or the implications of a previous injury on your current running movement. Perhaps you have suffered from ITB issues or knee pain for many years, and never really understood why, suddenly it becomes clear.


Movement and bio-mechanical


With the use of multiple camera angles, and real time observation, we are able to identify your stengths and weaknesses, as well as movement issues that may well have been overlooked in the past.


Time will be spent addressing them and developing proper run form and efficient technique via a series of proven and unique training methods...both on the day and for continuation thereafter.


Depending on your goals and objectives we are also able to supply you with ongoing development plans, proven to work with all levels of athlete.


Duration: 2 hrs




To book either use the 'Add to cart' button below or if you would prefer, please feel free to message/call us and we will be able to discuss your requirements and book you in that way

Linked technique sessions

This session includes the bio-mechanical assessment (left) but also follows on with a series of 2 further linked sessions to progress your form.


  • Biomechanical and movement analysis

  • Mulitple camera angle video analysis from head-to-toe

  • Gait analysis

  • 2 further linked session (1 treadmill based, one track)

  • 'Take home' sessions and drills

  • Before and after video


All video footage gathered and sent to the client


Duration: Session 1, 2hrs, sessions 2 and 3, 1.5hrs (Total-5hrs)



To book either use the 'Add to cart' button below or if you would prefer, please feel free to message/call us and we will be able to discuss your requirements and book you in that way

Custom sessions​

At Take3 we are happy for athletes to contact us with specific requirements. Our treadmill and video analysis equipment is available to hire (on site with coach) at an hourly rate.


If you wish to analyse something specific, or feel that you would like more time, no problem, just contact us and we can discuss your needs.


Duration: As requested


£65 per hour (Treadmill, video and coach)




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